Adaira has lived a sheltered life in her father’s country manor. When she hears that she will be married off to a complete stranger, she has no say in the matter. In Autumnland, the men make all decisions for all the women.
When Adaira is on her way to the bridegroom’s house, her journey is interrupted by what seems to be a gang of highway robbers. Soon Adaira finds out they are more than that: a group of women living outside the society, free but outlawed. They take Adaira to a remote castle, where she learns about women’s own sacred tree, the forbidden Wild Rowan.
Welma’s girls (originally published in 2003) is the first book of the Autumnland fantasy series. Autumnland depicts the lives and destinies of Autumnland’s women and their efforts to change the world.
Autumnland-series was published as audiobooks by Lind & Co in 2024
A sample translation of ”Welma’s Girls” is available in English.